Welcome to PassolaPassion.com a website devoted to the Yamaha Passola SA-50M & ME.
The Passola was released in 1980 with the electric start model (ME) following in 1982. Production ended in 1985, so the youngest bikes are now 33 years old - the oldest being 38 years old.
There is very little information on the web about the Passola, so I decided to put this site together so that the info I have found and built up over the years can be viewed by everyone around the world. Check out the About page to find out more about this little scooter.
I will also be documenting the rebuild of my old Passola which I have owned since 1996. This was my first set of wheels and was my key to freedom before I learnt to drive a car. It unfortunately has a sad story to tell, and its been in a half stripped state for at least the last 10 years.
Along with info of my rebuild, I will also be adding pictures and videos relating to the Passola in general, plus scans of old brochures & any web links of interest.
If you own one of these great little scooters, I would love to hear from you. Dont forget a pic or two of your Passola for the Gallery ;o)
eMail me at: info[at]passolapassion[dot]com
Thanks for visiting, and dont forget to add this site to your bookmarks because its still under construction, and will be updated on a regular basis.